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    Today Was A Good Day

    I kinda had a good day
    I got a 88 on a final exam
    And I'm feeling the fact that I hung with my people
    We chilled after school
    We meaning 
    Matt (
    Julian(In Pic, the lurker)
    Amber R.(In Pic, on left)
    Vianna(In Pic, on right)
    It was mad chill uptown in Montclair
    And I got a sense of family and friends
    And the people were mad cool
    Yet I digress
    What I'm really trying to say people is today was fine
    Not spectacular
    Not amazing
    But it was fine
    I got so see some old teachers at an old school
    Chilled with my people (look above)
    See I think I got it know
    I've had songs pop in and out of my head all day
    Corresponding to the exact moment and time
    It had a weird effect on the day
    I mean I'm sitting there
    A bentley drives by and I start thinking about any bragging rap song
    A girl I like passed me by-Pharcyde starts playing
    I know I'm not the only one

    Okay I had a tangent
    Props to the pals and they produced a pretty fun day
    The Thought Bubble Had an A+ Day

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