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    Before I Leave

    Alright from the look on my face
    I'm looking like "Yeah WhatEver Man"
    I'm at the laundry mat
    Before I go chill with the people 
    On the day before camp
    I leave for Akron in the morning
    Lebron James King's Academy for 5 days
    Then Chicago (The Hometown)
    Until August 6th
    I mean I won't be long so don't fret
    But tonight
    We dine like kings
    Chill like ice cubes
    Post up like lamp posts
    Tonight is the night
    I'm not trying to "have fun"
    But this night
    I think it will come to me
    Oh and mom says "HI"
    That will conclude the school year chronicles of the The Thought Bubble

    Now it's the brain
    The Thought Bubble will chill out until it's needed to daydream on school days
    But now I need to exercise my brain so I'm no dummy come September
    The Brain Begins...

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