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    It's A lil Late

    Yet I'll fill you in on one of the best Mondays I've had in a while
    Of course I had finals but it wasn't that bad
    I got to chill with some people I haven't got to in a while
    No name drops
    But it was cool
    People didn't flip out over the mustache being gone
    Yet I can tell people reacting differently
    Ladies liked it though
    Non the less we digress
    it's a new week only a few more days till Lebron Camp
    then I'll be on blog rest until I get to Chicago
    Which I will try to keep you guys updated with pics and stories that should to fill my story
    I'm looking toward the summer
    Yet I'm going to miss my people
    I'm only gone for a month
    So people get at me before I leave

    The Thought Bubble is Anxious

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