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    Music Is My Life

    If you couldn't tell
    I produce but it always wasn't that way
    When I was in my mothers stomach
    She went to a DAS-FX concert
    When I was small my dad played old jazz like, Miles and Dizzy
    I went to an OutKast concert at the age of two at my mom's college
    I made sound effects later to myself known to my self as beatboxing at the age of 5
    I took note of lyrics and remember every word to every song I liked at the age of 7
    I started to write poetry which later became raps at the age of 9
    In the sixth grade I met up with Matt
    Who Dj-ed and I Mc-ed
    We formed a rap group(Voice of Reason)
    We weren't to great, but kids at the school knew the songs
    I became a full fledged MC
    Yet as Matt made beats I sat and watched closely
    I learned from him and did my own thing
    The group slowly faded
    High school came
    I received my Mac Book equipped with Logic Pro and Garage Band
    I now produce now
    For kids in the MTC hoping one of these days they will be heard
    It's more then a hobby it's a passion
    I love the way an old melody fits with heavy percussion
    The way Aretha's voice can be a melody by itself
    Taking video game sounds to make a beat
    Giving myself the chance to listen to music for inspiration
    Taking myself on musical missions into decades way before my time
    I put ALOT into what I do
    Mainly because I have pride in what I do
    This is why I produce
    My influences for production are 
    Large Professor
    DJ Premier
    DJ Marley Marl
    Just Blaze
    9th Wonder
    I listen for sounds
    And not to be cliche in the moment
    I see pictures in my head
    My fingers move as if a MPC was at my hands
    The pattern sticks
    Music is in my DNA
    It is in my upbringing
    It is the most pivotal thing in my life
    It is me
    I am the vinyl spinning on O.G. turntables
    What Tuesdays used to mean
    The cardboard on the street turned into the dance floor
    The radio on your shoulder
    The favorite radio station playing new music
    The bass
    The snare
    The hi hat
    The kick
    The tom
    The sample
    The melody
    I am the music
    And the music is me

    The Brain is the Music
    And the Music is the Brain


    Anonymous said...

    I have infinite respect for you and your love of music.

    Thelonious Martin said...

    Why thank you very much if I have failed to mention
    I also love music for the love of the people
    And how they love music as much as me